If you are looking for help when it comes to rejections as a freight broker you've come to the right place. Fact is, rejection is just a part of the success journey. 4 Reasons Why Freight Brokers [...]
In this short post I will be comparing a freight broker authority vs a carrier authority. The goal is to answer the question of, "should a carrier get their freight broker authority?" The short [...]
13 Reasons Why You’re Struggling to Get Shippers PART 2 This is part 2 of the training where I will discuss in detail 8-13 of the reasons why freight brokers and freight agents new and old [...]
Click here to learn how to become a Freight Broker or Agent in 30 days or less! 100% money back guarantee. Can anyone become a successful Freight Broker or Freight Agent? I have been [...]
If you are struggling to find shippers as a freight broker don't worry you're not alone. Fact is, getting your first shippers is the hardest and some startups take weeks or even months [...]
The TGIF (Thank god it's Friday) mentality is when Monday morning rolls around and the weekend can't come fast enough. I call it the 9 to 5 mentality. Most 9 to 5'ers are stuck in your daily [...]
Learning how to hire a freight broker or freight agent is typically a painful lessons for most freight brokers. There's more to it then just posting a job ad and interviewing candidates. 4 Mistakes [...]
Recently I was fortunate and blessed to be get interviewed about how to find shippers with LinkedIn where I shared the exact strategies I used to generate over $20 million in new business for my [...]
In this training I talk about the the difference between freight broker sales and freight broker marketing. Which for many freight brokers and freight agents is a bit of a mystery. What is the [...]
Recently I was asked to share some freight broker productivity tips so I thought long and hard about my own good and bad habits. Regardless if you are a freight broker, agent, w2 employees, truck [...]
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