Freight Broker Loads From Home – How to Setup Your Home Office

If you are new to freight broker industry, one of the questions you might have is “Can I broker loads from home?”

For the majority of freight brokers out there, the ability to work from home is one of the great benefits of becoming a freight broker or freight agent.

Most freight brokers and freight agents start out by brokering loads from home. So if you are interested in the best practices on how to become a freight broker or freight agent from home, read on.

freight agent working from home

For some, working from home means working in the basement, for others that means a spare bedroom and for anyone just starting out it might mean brokering loads from the kitchen table.

You may not know this but I have personally worked from home for over 10 years during my almost 30 year career as an entrepreneur. And most of my top students have started their freight brokerages from home.

So today I want to share with you my experience including tips and suggestions on how to set up your home office as a freight broker, truck broker, logistics broker or freight broker agent. 

Benefits of Working from Home

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that ~20% of people worked from home in August 2023. There are many benefits of working from home that freight brokers and freight agents enjoy, including: 

  1. More Flexibility: You can set your own hours and work around your personal and family schedule. This flexibility helps increase work-life balance and job satisfaction.
  2. Reduced Costs: When working from home, you save both time and money on commuting to and from the office. No need for gas, public transport, or parking fees. You can also save money on lunches and work clothes when your home is your office. 
  3. No Need to Commute: Working from home saves your time and saves you the hassle of long, stressful commutes.
  4. Increased Productivity: For many people, working from home increases their productivity more than working in an office. No office politics, no wasting time at the water cooler, just working when and where you want. 
  5. More Comfort: Nothing beats the comfort of home where you have the freedom to work wherever you want. Want to spend the morning working in the office and the afternoon working in your backyard or garden? While working from home, you have the ability to choose where, when, and how you work. 
  6. Better Work-Life Balance: Working from home allows you to spend more time with your family and doing the things you actually want to do instead of spending an hour or multiple hours every workday driving to and from the office. 

While there are tons of benefits of working from home, it isn’t for everyone. Some of the challenges with working from home, especially if you’ve never worked from home before are listed below. 

Challenges of Working from Home

While working from home offers a lot of benefits, there are certain challenges you must work through if you will be brokering loads from home.

Some of the challenges include: 

  1. Isolation: Working from home can be lonely without co-workers walking around everyday that you can talk to and socialize with. 
  2. Distractions: If you don’t have a dedicated work space or you are easily distracted, it can be harder to get work done at home than it would in the office. In the office you don’t have pets, family members, chores, deliveries, or personal responsibilities to distract you from the work if you don’t know how to manage your time. 
  3. Poor Home Office Set Up: For some it can be hard to get into a routine without having a proper work space. The tips below will help you set up your home office space to keep you productive. 

While working from home comes with a lot of benefits, there are certain challenges of working from home. The good news is that overcoming these challenges isn’t rocket science.

New freight brokers and freight agents can quickly overcome the challenges of brokering loads from home if they have the right guidance.  

To set yourself up for success as a work from home freight broker, use the tips below as a step-by-step guide for the best way to set up your home office. 

7 Tips For Setting Up Your Office to Broker Loads From Home

1. Have a Dedicated Work Space

The first step on your journey to successfully working from home in the freight broker business is to pick a dedicated work space.

You’ll want to choose an area of your house/apartment where you can be comfortable working and where you won’t be constantly distracted by the day-to-day activities of home. 

The key to effectively broker loads from home is to have easy and quick access to all the critical tools and resources (see #2 below).

2. Define the Critical Technical Resources

Define the critical technical resources you need in your home office.  As a freight broker/agent here are a few things you might consider for your home office:

  • Unlimited phone service with 1 but preferably 2 available lines
  • High speed internet access
  • A newer computer with sufficient speed and storage
  • Quality monitor or dual monitors if possible
  • Email service
  • All in one printer/fax/scanning machine 
  • Load board access to post load and search for trucks
  • Business software like Microsoft Office 
  • Freight broker software (optional to start but a MUST once you get rolling)

3. Set Up Near Nature 

freight brokering loads from home office

Organize your office so you have an outside view or in an area with as much natural light as possible.

Sunlight has been shown to improve our well being at work. It is a simple way to make yourself more productive and happier while working. Trust me sunlight can really help your energy and enthusiasm of which both affect your results.

CLICK HERE to Learn How to Start a Freight Broker or Freight Agent Business From Home in Less than 30 Days!

4. Optimize Your Workspace 

Organize your office so you have both room to function and room for the storage of files, documents and other related paperwork as needed. The following tips will help you optimize your home work space for brokering loads:

  • Declutter regularly (daily or weekly) 
  • Get the right storage solutions (for both digital and paper documents)
  • Get comfortable (see #5 below)
  • Personalize your space to help keep you motivated

Having quick, easy access to tools and resources is critical to broker loads from home.

5. Get Comfortable 

Invest in a quality desk with sufficient work space and a nice chair. If possible don’t skimp on these items, don’t forget you will be sitting in and at them for 8,10, or 12 hours a day running your business. Look for a used desk and/or chair on, many times you can get high quality items without breaking the bank.

Your desk, chair, and computer should be set up in the most comfortable and ergonomic way. This prevents unnecessary strain and discomfort on your body. You’ll want to adjust your lighting to prevent eye strain from working long hours on the computer.

  • Pick the right chair
  • Pick an adjustable desk 
  • Optimize your computer monitor position
  • Ergonomic keyboard and mouse 
  • Footrest 
  • Noise-canceling headsets

Remember, your workplace set up directly impacts your physical health, well-being, and work performance. The right equipment and set up and make your life as a work from home freight broker or agent more enjoyable and successful.  

6. Set Your Office Hours

Set office hours and let your friends and family know that you will be at work. This is critical for two reasons:

  1. Helps you keep a routine 
  2. Prevents unnecessary and unwanted calls and visits while you are working

Yes, flexibility is a great benefit to being an entrepreneur, but success requires a certain amount of structure in order to be effective. You can’t be effective if you are also managing the household chores and responsibilities when you are supposed to be building your own business. 

7. Be Disciplined

The last step in this guide of brokering loads from home is to be disciplined. The logistics industry is a fast-paced and dynamic industry and top brokers know the importance of focus.

If you are starting a new career as a freight broker or agent, it is a good idea to focus on your own work even when working from home. To become a successful freight broker, you are your own boss and the financial responsibility is now your own. You are responsible for building your customer base and growing your own brokerage.

I started my first business back in 1994 and during my career I have worked out my home for over 10 years. During that time I have learned a thing or two about running a successful freight brokerage business. 

>>> Want to Become A Freight Broker? Do it in 7 Simple Steps!

My Biggest Lesson For Working From Home

The biggest lesson I learned working from home was that you need to be DISCIPLINED and treat everyday like you’re going to an office. The fact of the matter is, you are going to the office, but now it just so happens your office is in your home!

You will quickly realize that working from home has many distractions that you typically won’t run into in an office setting including family, television, refrigerator, home phone, friends/neighbors, mail man, home projects, laundry and many more.  

In order to be a successful home based freight broker or freight agent it is important to limit outside distractions that steal your time and energy, causing you to get off course and miss the great opportunity in freight logistics. 

Running your own freight brokerage or freight agency is hard work, especially when you are starting a new business. With the proper training, a strong work ethic, and workspace you’ll soon be on your way.

Best of luck in setting up your home office.  If you need any assistance with learning how to broker loads from home as either a freight broker or freight agent check out my online freight broker training program. 

P.S. If you liked this article please make sure to share on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to let others know about us. We truly appreciate you!


Dennis Brown


Owner, CEO

Dennis Brown the freight broker, is the owner of and former CEO of Logistic Dynamics, Inc. (LDi) one of North Americas fastest growing logistics providers. Dennis has over 25 years of hands on experience as an entrepreneur and is widely regarded as an expert in logistics, freight brokerage, business growth strategies and B2B sales and marketing. Dennis became a freight broker in 2003, as a one man operations with NO industry experience . He went on to do over $200 million as a freight broker, eventually selling the freight brokerage to spend more time with his family. Dennis Brown has trained over 10,000 students, in 16 different countries, how to become a freight broker or freight agent. Many of his students have went on to build highly successful and highly profitable freight broker businesses.



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