People ask me all the time how were you able to build a $80 million + freight brokerage, starting with no experience? It’s a difficult question and so my answer sometime surprises them.
The truth is, I have never been the smartest guy, the most talented guy, the best speaker and god knows rarely if ever the best looking but I do have a few qualities that have carried me throughout my life.
Anyone that knows me, knows my work ethic and the fact that whether it was a sport like wrestling or judo, a job like sales or a business like being a freight broker, there are very few people in this world that will out hustle or out work me.
I owe this to the many great role models I have been fortunate to have in my life including my parents, coaches, friends and other successful people I have watched from afar.
Another thing that separates me from others is my ability to overcome fear and in particular the fear of failure. Fear of failure, in my opinion, is probably the #1 reason that prevents people from achieving their full potential.
My work ethic and my ability to overcome fear are two of my secrets to success but I think this video says it better. So take a few minutes and watch “The 6 Secrets to Success” by one of my early childhood heroes…Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The 6 Secrets to Success!
1) Trust Yourself
2) Break the Rules
3) Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
4) Don’t Listen to the Naysayers
5) Work Your Butt Off
6) Giving Back
The fact is, Arnold Schwarzenegger has overcame extreme adversity in his life and while he may not be your favorite actor or politician, his philosophy and secrets to success are incredibly powerful. He has achieved levels of success that most of us can only dream about.
Was it easy? Did he have to work hard? Did he get discouraged at times? Did he question himself? Did he have to overcome his fear? The answer to all these questions is YES and the fact is, if you listen to anyone that has ever been successful they will likely tell you the same.
So chances are if you’re reading this post, you have at some point considered becoming a freight broker. So what’s holding you back from achieving your goal? For most, it’s fear of failure, for others they lack drive and for some it’s a lack of confidence. Regardless of your reason, the fact is you have the power to change it!
The key to change is to take action! Do something today that immediately moves you towards your goal and don’t worry so much about the outcome. Don’t worry so much about everything being “perfect” because success does not require perfection…it requires action!
Click Here To Take Action Today!
P.S. If you would like to see more motivational and inspiring videos in the future please click the g+1 logo in the top left of this article and/or Share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin below my signature. 🙂
Dennis Brown
Owner, www.FreightBrokerBootcamp.com