Self belief is the essence of success!

Every morning I make it a habit to read or watch something that inspires me and one of my favorite place to go is Youtube for freight broker motivation.  Today I watched a video that I had seen at least a dozen times and yet I still felt that emotional connection and energy.  I hope you get the same feeling as I did, because, just maybe, it will force you to look in the mirror and help you to take action on your goals today!

Thus the reason & title of my post, “Self belief is the essence of success!”

The fact is every successful entrepreneur I know including freight brokers and freight agents have struggled with freight broker motivation and self belief at one time or another in their careers.  In sports, in life and in business believing in yourself is critical to success.

I get emails all the time from people interested in becoming a freight broker or freight agent and the #1 reason why they do not pursue their dream is the fact that they lack self belief and are afraid to FAIL.

Click here if you refuse to let fear prevent you from pursuing your dream of becoming a freight broker/agent.  I hope you enjoyed the video and look forward to your comments/replies.

P.S.  If you liked this post/video please Share it with others below and don’t forget to click the g+1 logo at the top or bottom of this article to let Google and others knows you liked it!


Dennis Brown

Click here to become a Freight Broker or Freight Agent in 30 days or less!

Owner, CEO

Dennis Brown the freight broker, is the owner of and former CEO of Logistic Dynamics, Inc. (LDi) one of North Americas fastest growing logistics providers. Dennis has over 25 years of hands on experience as an entrepreneur and is widely regarded as an expert in logistics, freight brokerage, business growth strategies and B2B sales and marketing. Dennis became a freight broker in 2003, as a one man operations with NO industry experience . He went on to do over $200 million as a freight broker, eventually selling the freight brokerage to spend more time with his family. Dennis Brown has trained over 10,000 students, in 16 different countries, how to become a freight broker or freight agent. Many of his students have went on to build highly successful and highly profitable freight broker businesses.


    I am on the road & would like to know if I can do this on line and how much it costs

    December 6, 2018 at 1:57 am
  2. Zainab

    I don’t know how to gain customers it’s kinda difficult for me.

    February 8, 2019 at 3:13 pm

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